Il mondo diventa un mortorio, se non si impara a ridere, sia pure di disgusto.
venerdì 4 aprile 2008
Luca Luciani VS Napoleone
Ed ecco a voi un video destinato a rimanere nella memoria di ognuno di noi! 854mila EURI all'anno! Un precario in telecom parte da 300 euro al mese lavora 8h al giorno. Sarà questo che ci fa odiare ancora di più Mr NapoleTone? Personalmente si.
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Mr. Luciani was born in Padova, in 1967. On February 16, 2007 he was appointed General Manager of Telecom Italia (Domestic Mobile Services). Mr. Luciani began his career in Procter & Gamble in 1990; in 1994, he became Consulting Manager of Bain & Company Consulting and in 1998 Group Controller of Enel Group. He joined the Telecom Italia Group in 1999 as Group Controller; in 2002 he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of TIM and, in 2003, he was appointed Executive Assistant to the Chairman of Telecom Italia. In 2004 he became Responsible for Marketing activities of TIM and from 2004 he was Responsible for IT and Network Services and coordination of International activities. In 2005, he was appointed Chief Marketing Officer of TIM. On October 5, 2005, Mr. Luciani became Responsible for the Indirect Sales channels of the Group.
Un manager preparato dovrebbe preparare i propri discorsi, e uno che arriva dal marketing dovrebe saperlo. Se anche così non facesse, almeno è lecito aspettarsi che sappia quello di cui sta parlando. Mi pare che in questo caso non si sia verificata nessuna delle condizioni di cui sopra. Poco male se fosse una persona comune, grave per un "top manager" di una delle maggiori società italiane. Altra bella figura che facciamo all'estero...
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Che uomo, che top manager, che stile!
A parte questo...
Dear spammer go away!
Ed ecco a voi il curriculum
Mr. Luciani was born in Padova, in 1967. On February 16, 2007 he was appointed General Manager of Telecom Italia (Domestic Mobile Services). Mr. Luciani began his career in Procter & Gamble in 1990; in 1994, he became Consulting Manager of Bain & Company Consulting and in 1998 Group Controller of Enel Group. He joined the Telecom Italia Group in 1999 as Group Controller; in 2002 he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of TIM and, in 2003, he was appointed Executive Assistant to the Chairman of Telecom Italia. In 2004 he became Responsible for Marketing activities of TIM and from 2004 he was Responsible for IT and Network Services and coordination of International activities. In 2005, he was appointed Chief Marketing Officer of TIM. On October 5, 2005, Mr. Luciani became Responsible for the Indirect Sales channels of the Group.
Un manager preparato dovrebbe preparare i propri discorsi, e uno che arriva dal marketing dovrebe saperlo.
Se anche così non facesse, almeno è lecito aspettarsi che sappia quello di cui sta parlando.
Mi pare che in questo caso non si sia verificata nessuna delle condizioni di cui sopra.
Poco male se fosse una persona comune, grave per un "top manager" di una delle maggiori società italiane.
Altra bella figura che facciamo all'estero...
Dopo la munnezza, la bufala, i vini al veleno ecco a voi Luca Luciani!
Che vergogna
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